Google Adsense

Since we can see, this blog is going to discuss Google Adsense. Before I start my post, I would like to talk about a controversial topic-what is Web 2.0. As my personal habit, I usually post a video before I start to demonstrate my blog.

Although that is the definition of Web 2.0, there are still a great mount of definition of it. Of course, there will be some slightly differences between that. However, the definition of  Web 2.0 patterns is always the similar content. This blog is going to talk about Google Adsense.

Like a partner, we have to mention DoubleClick (DC). DC can help develop and provide Internet ad services. Agencies, markets and publishers who serve customers, are their clients.

However, it is a rudiment of the internet era. Although it regards software as a service, DC is limited by its business model. That concept is focus on publishment, the customers of ad, and scope, but it is not concentrate on participation, and customers.

All kinds of websites publishers can through displaying their potential google ads on those websites with a free, simple way to make a great mount of profits. In addition, AdSense can provide Google search to those site users. Based on the search results pages, Google can earn money.

Fortunately, Google followed Chris Anderson’s indication (the long tail) – the power of the little websites provide great majority information of the internet.

DC’s products require sign a formal contract,and put those ads into a limited market like a few thousands of websites. However, compared with DC, Google put those ads into every web pages. Moreover, they avoid those publishers’ favourite pattern. Applying a  pattern of text advertising, which can reduce interference and sensibility.

As this blog has compared DoubleClick with Google AdSense. We can see that GA put more attention on service, which can attract more users, and publishers and ads companies. Because it is so easy to apply, it is unnecessary to sign a formal contract for publishing a simple ad. And ads have wider impact, as most web pages can appear it. In addition, service will be more popular and supporting in nowadays.


Flexbeta.”What is Web 2.0″.September 10, 2006.

Wiki. “DoubleClick”. Last modified March 10 2012.

Google.”What is a google AdSense?”.

O’Reilly, Tim. September 30, 2005. “What is web 2.0”.

15 responses to “Google Adsense

  1. nice comparison of DoubleClick and Google AdSense…good to know that Google’s on the right track!

    • oh yeah,I think just Google understands the meaning of the long tail. A good quality service is the most valueble in nowadays, most customers will consider that point before they try to apply some products.

  2. A great comparison between this two applications. And let me know more about google. I like the way u explain the web 2.0.

  3. Hi Pip,
    Interesting post in harnessing collective intelligence. Your post is very good, however I found it not explore the issue in deep level. I kept questioning, “so what?” to myself. Maybe using literature from authoritative resources and put a case study will help to make your blog post stronger 🙂

    • Hi Bekti,
      Thanks for your advice, I do believe if I can find some real cases, my blog will be more attractive. I will try to find some in the next post. Hope that will be better!

  4. Online Marketing and Social Activism are two of the main components in the revolution of Web 2.0, and Google elegantly implemented the AdSense platform catering for both online marketing and the social activism. Google has also employed other techniques such as data warehousing and business intelligence to cater for every marketing need.

    • Yeah you are exacly explain and demonstrate Google work. Google did quite well on those social tools, which arrtact a great number of customers.And that makes Google be widely used.

  5. Heard of this ago, was thinking it’s a kind of advertising marketing strategy by google. While, quite interesting comparison from web2.0 application perspective.

  6. Hi pop, thanks for sharing this information about the differences between DoubleClick and Google AdSense. I think that is the reason why Google can be one of the most popular website around the world because it provides services that really fulfil the needs of it users.

    • Yeah,Although Google has already been to one of the most popular searching tools, I think they have a number of strategies they can implement.For instance,they can try to develop the google account help store some documents.

  7. Hi Pip,
    This new process from google is enormously impressive .In my opinion the quality is number one for Google so It is going more to concentrate on it .It is a good idea to make comparison which I did not do i in my blog .

    • Hi Nasser,

      I am not sure can I just call you like that ? yeah,that prcess has been implemented for few years,that brings a web revolution.Web users can share their resources and get free information. That is the best way to sell their product.

  8. hey, pip,
    Google Adsense is really famous in the world. it is a wildly online AD agency. your pattern is really good. good information!
